This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is camera1.jpgCAMERA MAPPING
Would you like to see what video surveillance at your site would look like with camera positions and angels recommended by law enforcement investigators and prison supervisors? 
Our team uses various new technology to give you camera placement recommendations. We focus on the lowest number of cameras possible to reduce equipment and installation costs, bandwidth issues, and ease of use.
You receive an interactive map using Google Maps® stating the number of cameras needed, their exact placement, and angle of each camera. Use this map to create a detailed RFP or to do your own camera installation project. 
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is School1.jpgCA SB 390 CAMPUS SECURITY COURSE
In-Person or Virtual three-day, 24-hour certified course is required for those employed by a California school district working in a safety and security capacity.
Instructors can travel to your site and provide the three-day course at your district, so your security staff remains available in the event of an emergency on campus.
A.P.S. Training Unit’s knowledgeable team has experience providing this course to hundreds of campus supervisors and security staff statewide.
Mandated Campus Security Courses certified by CA BSIS and meets the requirements of CA Education Code 38001.5.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Campus1.jpgSITE SPECIFIC LOCKDOWN TRAINING
Training program is uniquely customized to your location to ensure success and safety. 
Familiarize your faculty and staff with survival tactics, vital repetitive movements, and muscle memory training methods. 
Empower your staff to react quickly, remain calm during an emergency, and communicate clearly to first responders.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Bus1.jpgACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING FOR BUS DRIVERS
Ensure the safety of your bus drivers and students in their care with our school transportation crisis training.
Training performed by professionals who have encountered many emergency scenarios throughout their career. Includes required school bus driver multi-hazard emergency training. 
A.P.S. Training Tactical Driving Training Team includes 4 current and retired officers from The California Highway Patrol (CHP).  All training events include a Risk Management Liability Certificate of Training.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Incident.jpgEMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SITE ASSESSMENT
Identify vulnerabilities to your workplace or campus. 
Help mirror safety policies and procedures with daily staff routines.  Help educate, mitigate, and prepare you for the unforeseen future. Custom training video that may be used to train and educate staff. 
Site Safety Assessment Report and live presentation and Q&A session by one of our experts.
This customized program provides site-specific layers of protection from an active threat in your workplace or church. We build a site-specific curriculum based on the layout of the workplace, including types of door locks, number of exits and estimated law enforcement response times. This certified program meets and exceeds standards set by DHS and OSHA.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Work1.jpgCUSTOMIZED SAFETY LEADERSHIP TRAINING
If you oversee emergency preparedness, safety or security, this training is designed for you. We will create a customized curriculum to provide best practices, lessons learned and better understanding to emergency preparedness coordinators, school administrators, risk managers, safety officers, and security supervisors. This course can be provided in person or virtually to you and your safety leadership team. Select the date of the training, the length of the class and select the topics to be covered. Each certified topic is forty-five minutes long and includes course materials from subject matter experts.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ic1.jpgINCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (ICS)
ICS is a standardized hierarchical structure that allows an organization to work through an event or emergency using combined efforts with focus on safety, logistics, operations, finance, planning and management. Our course teaches your leadership team how to build and operate a customized ICS.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Write.jpgSUBJECT MATTER EXPERT CONSULTING
Do you need help creating security standards to comply with Title IV? Do you need to write or update your Emergency Operations Plan? Are you looking to recruit a department head to oversee public safety and security? Do you need to create safety and security policies to match your school or work culture? We can help you with all of those projects and more! Contact one of our consultants today to learn how we can take the work off your desk and let us give you the final product your looking for.

Contact us for more information!